Incoming quality control management that supports our clients to reach the goal of 'Only Leaving Good Products Out of the Factory'

Material traceability management for full control of material quality control

Have You Ever Had These Problems?

IQC Pain Point

Numerous and complex inspection data and reports, like inspection, records and SCAR


The inspection process involves a lot of back and forth between departments, which can be time-consuming and may result in inaccurate test results due to poor communication


Every inspection is a cost. How can companies reduce costs and effectively control the quality?

Wormhole IQC Main Features


System control, Procedure standardisation

Standardisation Management

  • Customise inspection schedules and frequencies according to individual suppliers' conditions

Collecting inspection data automatically

Systematic Form Record Management

  • Paperless and efficient throughout the process
  • Save labor and reduce costs by generating the required reports automatically

Customisable inspection flow plan

Inspection Flow Control

  • Based on supplier assessment results, our IQC will recommend you the most suitable inspection plan accordingly
  • Reduced costs and accurate inspection
  • 4 flow control conditions: ACC(Accept), UAI(Use As It), AOD(Accept On Deviation), and REE(Reject)

Real-time analysis and SCAR reports

Analysing and Statistics of Raw Materials Anomalies

  • Awareness of material conditions that help our clients to respond quickly

Immediate knowledge of incoming material quality

Quick Search

  • Improved responsiveness to quality issues
  • Reduced reaction time and quality risk effectively

Interested to know more about our solutions?

Why not contact us now!
