The beginning of smart factory management after digitisation

Practical Use of IIoT - Production Traceability and Digital Monitoring

The Pain Points of Traditional Manufacturing Shop Floor Management

Machine anomalies are not immediately identified and are often discovered only after a defective product has been produced, resulting in unnecessary cost wastage

Manual paper-based production resume are becoming less credible and less likely to increase the trust of clients

With the shortage of labour and the difficulty of passing on manufacturing skills, the industry has become increasingly difficult

Pain Points

Wormhole GIC Main Features


Parameter Capturing & Analysing

Capturing specific control conditions base on individual machines to ensure perfect quality in the production process


Production Process Monitoring

Immediate exception alert on mobile and PC devices when detecting any anomaly


RFID Inventory Semiautomatic Scanning

Binding pending MO with corresponding materials, reducing the chance of errors on a production line


Documenting Production Resume

Easing the effort for future traceability analysis, enhance trust and willingness from your clients


Knowledge Transformation

We also support our clients to master manufacturing skills through analysing raw data on machines

Interested to know more about our solutions?

Why not contact us now!
