Value Chain Connection
Digital Transformation  
Supply Chain Alliance    
WormHole provides the most complete industrial cloud platform and risk control management solutions

WormHole Offers The Simplest and Most Complete Solutions On The Digital Value & Supply Chain

Green product material survey before purchase flow

Production monitoring after transaction confirmation

Quality control manage while producing

Traceable and transparent production resume
Tracking carbon emissions throughout the manufacturing process
Trusted By 50+ Listed Companies and Different Levels of The Manufacturers

Platform Complies with International Standards

The most complete risk control management
Suppliers & Vendors Collaboration,
Enhance The Power of Enterprise's Value Chain
- All in one solutions for Materials, Process and Quality Control
- One-stop production control management
- The first step in improving order taking capabilities: keeping up with the rise of DSNs (Digital Supply Chain Networks)
Minimal cost, maximum ease of maintenance
Provide Different Levels of IT Support
To Help Our Clients' Digital Transformation
- Increased internal efficiency, improved your control upon management and access to high-quality data information
- Ensure the cost control, digital management and internal order taking capabilities
- Lean management, waste reduction, quality improvement, cost reduction and continuous improvement

Adopting for future labour shortages and the post-epidemic era
Automated Risk Contorl Management
via Data Monitoring & Intelligent Forecasting
- Our unique patent: Image monitoring technique
- Immediate exception alert to enhance enterprise risk contorl management capability
- Digital heritage for supporting our clients to master on their manufacturing skills